
I review books written by women – old and new, literary and commercial, fiction and non-fiction with the occasional YA title.

My preferences lean towards literary fiction although I try and read as broadly as possible. I’m particularly concerned with covering translated fiction, working class fiction, books by women of colour and women who identify as LGBT.

I’ll read pretty much anything set in New York, while my PhD interests include circus and sideshow fiction, dystopia/utopia, updated/modern fairytales and feminist literature (fiction and non-fiction).

Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of child narrators  (under 12s). (My Name Is Leon by Kit de Waal is a notable exception.)

I wrote about the rationale behind the blog here.

I’m currently doing a PhD in Creative Writing at Sheffield Hallam University and have a story in The Book of Sheffield published by Comma Press. I’ve also been shortlisted for The White Review Prize and longlisted for Manchester Fiction Prize. I’ve written for OzyFiction Uncovered, the Tilted Axis Press blog and been a contributor to the Waterstones’ blog. I’m the Digital Engagement Coordinator and Copywriter for Manchester Literature Festival and blogger-in-residence at Jersey Festival of Words. I’ve chaired events at Manchester Literature FestivalJersey Festival of Words, Off the Shelf Festival and for Waterstones Gower Street and Waterstones Deansgate. In January 2018, I appeared on Radio 3’s Free Thinking to discuss the circus in literature as part of the Circus250 celebrations.

You can find me on Twitter @Frizbot, see my book post and what I’m reading on Instagram @thewritesofwoman or email me on thewritesofwoman [at] gmail.com

I am not accepting review requests at this time.

31 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: The Liebster Award! | Yasmine Rose's Book Blog

  2. Pingback: Very Inspiring Book Blogs | Word by Word

  3. Pingback: Feminine Fiction | A Way with Words

  4. Hi Naomi, I am so glad to have discovered your blog. I am a huge fan of female-writers, and I am looking forward to taking more recommendations from your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Naomi, a writer friend just shared your blog with our organization, the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (I have a feeling you’re going to have a slew of new followers this week!), and I’m so happy she did. Adding you to my regular blog reads now. Thank you for celebrating women writers!

    Liked by 1 person

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